Using AMDs

Calculating AMDs

The AMD (average minimum distance) of a crystal is given by amd.AMD(). It accepts a crystal and an integer k, returning \(\text{AMD}_k\) as a vector.

If you have a .cif file, use amd.CifReader to read the crystals. If csd-python-api is installed and you have CSD refcodes, use amd.CSDReader. You can also give the coordinates of motif points and unit cell as a tuple of numpy arrays, in Cartesian form. Examples:

# get AMDs of crystals in a .cif
crystals = list(amd.CifReader('file.cif'))
amds = [amd.AMD(crystal, 100) for crystal in crystals]

# get AMDs of crystals in DEBXIT family
amds = [amd.AMD(crystal, 100) for crystal in amd.CSDReader('DEBXIT', families=True)]

# AMD of 3D cubic lattice
motif = np.array([[0,0,0]])
cell  = np.identity(3)
cubic_amd = amd.AMD((motif, cell), 100)

Each AMD returned by amd.AMD(c, k) is a vector length k.

Note: If you want both the AMD and PDD of a crystal, first get the PDD and then use amd.PDD_to_AMD() to get the AMD from it to save time.

Comparing by AMD

Any metric can be used to compare AMDs, but the module has functions to compare for you.

Most useful are compare.AMD_pdist() and compare.AMD_cdist(), which mimic the interface of scipy’s functions pdist and cdist. pdist takes one set and compares all elements pairwise, whereas cdist takes two sets and compares elements in one with the other. cdist returns a 2D distance matrix, but pdist returns a condensed distance matrix (see scipy’s pdist function). The default metric for AMD comparisons is l-infinity, but it can be changed to any metric accepted by scipy’s pdist/cdist.

# compare crystals in file1.cif with those in file2.cif by AMD, k=100
amds1 = [amd.AMD(crystal, 100) for crystal in amd.CifReader('file1.cif')]
amds2 = [amd.AMD(crystal, 100) for crystal in amd.CifReader('file2.cif')]
distance_matrix = amd.AMD_cdist(amds1, amds2)

# compare everything in file1.cif with each other (using l-inf)
condensed_dm = amd.AMD_pdist(amds1)

Comparison options

amd.AMD_cdist and amd.AMD_pdist share the following optional arguments:

  • metric chooses the metric used for comparison, see scipy’s cdist/pdist for a list of accepted metrics.

  • k will truncate the passed AMDs to length k before comaparing (so k must not be larger than the passed AMDs). Useful if comparing for several k values.

  • low_memory (default False) uses an alternative slower algorithm that keeps memory use low for much larger input sizes. Currently only metric='chebyshev' is accepted with low_memory.