Write crystals and fingerprints to a file

For large sets of crystals, parsing .CIF files can be slow. The readers in io yield periodicset.PeriodicSet objects which represent the crystals, and the io.SetWriter and io.SetReader are for writing and reading these crystals to a compressed hdf5 file.

# write the crystals and their AMDs to a file using the crystal's .tags
# amd.SetReader and amd.SetWriter can both be used in context managers
with amd.SetWriter('crystals_and_AMD100.hdf5') as writer:
    for crystal in amd.CifReader('file.cif'):
        crystal.tags['AMD100'] = amd.AMD(crystal, 100)

# read back the crystals and their AMDs
crystals = list(amd.SetReader('crystals_and_AMD100.hdf5'))
amds = [crystal.tags['AMD100'] for crystal in crystals]